How to Create a Navigation Bar in Notion
In this step by step tutorial I will show you how to create a navigation bar in Notion.
Step 1: First go to Notion

Step 2: Click + icon to create a new page

Step 3: Create first page name as “Home” or as you prefer

Step 4: Then create your “About” page

Step 5: Now we will create our Contact page

Step 6: Click we will create our FAQ page.

Step 7: After all of our page has been created, create an empty block where you want to put your navigation. Search for “Callout”.

Step 8: Type your menu. I have assigned here “💡 Home | About | Contact | FAQ” as my preferred menu.

Step 9: Now we will select every menu item text and provide the link of that page. To get Page link, click on this icon. Then click “Copy Link”

Step 10: Select a Menu Item by double clicking, and paste the link you copied. Notion will suggest the page, just click to select.

Step 11: Repeat this process for all the menu items.
Step 12: Now create an empty block and search for “Synced block”.

Step 13: Drag your menu to the synced block area

Step 14: Click on “Copy and sync” in “Synced block”

Step 15: Go to “About” page, paste the “Synced block”

Step 16: Repeat this for all the pages and also where you want to see your menu
That’s it! We are done. Now start navigation through the menu.
Info: 💡 This is for beginners! You can customize your menu as you want.