Go to "About" page, paste the "Synced block"
Go to "About" page, paste the "Synced block"

How to Create a Navigation Bar in Notion

How to Create a Navigation Bar in Notion

In this step by step tutorial I will show you how to create a navigation bar in Notion.

Step 1: First go to Notion https://www.notion.so/

Notion Homepage
Notion Homepage



Step 2: Click + icon to create a new page

Create a new Notion page
Create a new Notion page


Step 3: Create first page name as “Home” or as you prefer

Create First Page
Create First Page


Step 4: Then create your “About” page

Create About Page
Create About Page



Step 5: Now we will create our Contact page

Create Contact Page
Create Contact Page



Step 6: Click we will create our FAQ page.

Create FAQ Page
Create FAQ Page



Step 7: After all of our page has been created, create an empty block where you want to put your navigation. Search for “Callout”.

Callout Section
Callout Section



Step 8: Type your menu. I have assigned here “💡 Home | About | Contact | FAQ” as my preferred menu.

Create Navigation Menu
Create Navigation Menu



Step 9: Now we will select every menu item text and provide the link of that page. To get Page link, click on this icon. Then click “Copy Link”

Get Notion Page Link
Get Notion Page Link



Copy Notion Page Link
Copy Notion Page Link



Step 10: Select a Menu Item by double clicking, and paste the link you copied. Notion will suggest the page, just click to select.

Double click the text to select
Double click the text to select



Paste the link in input box, it will suggest the page you are looking for, select the page and you are done
Paste the link in input box, it will suggest the page you are looking for, select the page and you are done



Step 11: Repeat this process for all the menu items.

Step 12: Now create an empty block and search for “Synced block”.

Now create an empty block and search for "Synced block"
Now create an empty block and search for “Synced block”



Step 13: Drag your menu to the synced block area

Drag the menu inside the "Synced block" area
Drag the menu inside the “Synced block” area



Step 14: Click on “Copy and sync” in “Synced block”

Click on "Copy and sync" in "Synced block"
Click on “Copy and sync” in “Synced block”



Step 15: Go to “About” page, paste the “Synced block”

Go to "About" page, paste the "Synced block"
Go to “About” page, paste the “Synced block”



Step 16: Repeat this for all the pages and also where you want to see your menu


That’s it! We are done. Now start navigation through the menu.

Info: 💡 This is for beginners! You can customize your menu as you want.

Editorial Staff

A Learner and trying to share what I learned!